Monday, April 14, 2014

HOT EXCERPT! Jacky Donovan's Instant Whips and Dream Toppings

Instant Whips and Dream Toppings

Excerpt from Jacky Donovan!
 - about my first sexual encounter:

My boyfriend Will asked me once if I wanted to “do it”, which was nice of him, but I declined. I knew where babies came from – I was sixteen and hanging with a rock star for God’s sake – but as for the ins and outs of “it” and the very real truth, as I was later to discover, that “it” can be wonderful, I didn’t have a clue. I’d flicked through the A to Z of Sex at the all girls’ school I’d unfortunately been awarded a scholarship to, yet the only information I gleaned from it was that an orgasm was “an involuntary reaction – a bit like sneezing.” Consequently, every time somebody blessed me, I wondered if it was because I’d had a big O. So, unfortunately for willing Will, both my flesh and spirit were too weak for any “doing” of “it”.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Instant Whips and Dream Toppings.....JACKY DONOVAN


Naughty Readers:  Readers love to know more about their authors. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Jacky:  I’m fortunate enough to live in the sunny Spanish island of Gran Canaria, working occasionally in between relaxing a lot. But my journey here wasn’t an easy one. Figuratively I mean: the plane ride was only a few smooth hours from London! I’ve gone from battered wife to alcohol and food addict to depressive to career-driven to dominatrix to author. Quite a journey. I’ve had a long and passionate love affair along the way, leapt from planes, escaped in a dinghy James Bond style, had a cream cake throwing session with a famous MP and an even stranger time with an eight month pregnant lady. I hope you’ll read more about me in my autobiography ‘Instant Whips and Dream Toppings: A true-life dom rom com’.