Friday, September 14, 2012

A Chat with Mindi Ferrari, Author of Sinful Writings

From Sunday to Thursday, we featured Mindi's books. Today we chat with Mindi to learn more about the author behind the books.

Naughty Reader’s: Tell us a bit about yourself  that our readers might not know.

Mindi: Let see, not sure to put this as a personal question or just share something personal.  All of my books and everything I write I always try to think honestly and about readers’ feelings and emotions. It’s the same for my poetry, there are so many of us out there, me included that like to read stuff that makes either something click in our minds, takes us to the past, or really hits our heart enough that we reread the same thing fifty times. I strive to show my readers that I think and feel just like them.

Naughty Reader’s: What made you want to become a writer?

Mindi: I have read since I was a toddler and honestly for me it was reading all these horror stories and wanting to create my own world and bring the things I imagined or my personal experiences to life.

Naughty Reader’s: Please share a bit about your new release without giving away any spoilers.

Mindi: “Sinful Writings” It’s a collection of all my poetry and some shorts that I finally decided to put together and share with the world. There’s so many personal poems that I felt I wrote that so many readers could say “wow I feel that exact way” or even ones that definitely turn you on. So to me there was no option but to make a book and self publish it!

Naughty Reader’s: Do you write under a pen name?

Mindi: No I do not; I always felt my real name was cool enough.

Naughty Reader’s: You do have a cool name! What types of hero or heroine do you like best?

Mindi: I like either one to have that edge, the asshole quality that makes women drop too their knees or daydream about him, and that female that makes the man whimper and beg to be apart of her life. I realized in all of my stories the main character is an assassin, so for me the tough talking, take no shit man or female is best.

Naughty Reader’s: Tell us about a typical day in your life as a writer.

Mindi:  My day consists of hearing these voices from the characters I create and them telling me what to do and sorting out everything to try and get it on the paper. I often find myself so busy that sitting down and writing is almost impossible. I think most writers can agree that a lot of us have ADD or ADHD and sitting down to get stuff down is really hard because we have such wild imaginations and think too much. But writing is what I love more than breathing.

Naughty Reader’s: Do your books have a common theme or are they all different?

Mindi: My first two were paranormal which I love that genre most, one of my releases is a contemporary romance which is way different to write but again loved it. Like I said though, all my main characters are Assassins.

Naughty Reader’s: How long does it take you to write and then edit a story?

Mindi: About 6 months, depending on my kids and how much they let me get done. lol

Naughty Reader’s: Do you have to be alone to write?

Mindi: To concentrate and edit yes, but to write no, I can write anywhere.

Naughty Reader’s: How do you go about naming characters?

Mindi: I try to go for the odd names. Like in Wicked Games Sorrow is my female main character and Vengeance is my male. But it’s always the first name that comes to mind and I never second guess myself.

Naughty Reader’s: Is it easier to write about the characters if you find pictures of them before you write or do you write then find character pictures?

Mindi: After, definitely after, and even them there’s no one that matches exactly to the picture in my head.

Naughty Reader’s: How do you pick locations for your stories?

Mindi: Usually Las Vegas, everything happens right there and it’s where I’m from. I like to pick places I know very well.

Naughty Reader’s: What are you working on now and what should readers be looking forward to from you in the future?

Mindi: At this moment I’m still working on Midnight Assassins 2, its Jude’s story and really dark compared to the first and cant wait to get it out there.

Naughty Reader’s: Where can readers find out more about you and your books?

Mindi: and anywhere eBooks are sold. I have every single link on my books page on my website.

Mindi's soon to be release title with Secret Craving Publishing

Visit the post featuring three of Mindi's book here.

1 comment:

  1. Mindi, it's been great having you here all week. Good luck on your sales and future projects! ~Brenda
